Local development project

Emploiseptrivieres.com, a web portal dedicated to recruitment in the Sept-Rivières RCM, is a service offered by the Sept-Rivières RCM and the CLD de Sept-Rivières. Employers can post job descriptions and job seekers can apply for positions on this website. The SADC made $1500 available to Emploiseptrivieres to optimize the website, increase its visibility and make it as easily accessible and easily navigable as possible. The SADC provided $2000 for a feasibility study on local theatre in the Rivière-au-Tonnerre municipality. Les amis de la Minganie undertook the feasibility study on the introduction of a cultural centre where residents and tourists could attend conferences, workshops, shows, etc.  If the study results are encouraging and the cultural centre opens, the local theatre will be named “Les pèlerin.” This project, supported by the Minganie RCM and the municipality of Rivière-au-Tonnerre, will foster socioeconomic development via activities aimed at attracting new residents and supporting existing residents of small communities.