The SADC actively participates in the development of communities. It initiates, organizes and supports activities and projects that will help communities meet their individual and collective socio-economic needs, now and in the future. The SADC advocates local development through this action :
- Launch projects that help communities develop in terms of tourism, culture, health, community services, education, etc.;
- Sit on various committees, round tables and boards of directors to allow the SADC to share its expertise;
- Foster an interest in entrepreneurship, especially among young people, using promotional and information campaigns;
- Get involved with and take part in development projects initiated by other community service organizations;
- Hold training sessions, conferences and seminars to broadly publicize our expertise to entrepreneurs and project promoters;
- Establish business development support measures, such as mentoring.
Non-refundable contribution
Financial assistance offered to support the provision of awareness, facilitation, networking, consulting and coaching services to encourage sustainable economic development in the communities.
Eligibility criteria, terms and conditions :
The projects submitted must take place in the region covered by the SADC Côte-Nord, that is, between Rivière-Pentecôte and Blanc-Sablon, including Anticosti Island and Schefferville.
+ All projects submitted must be directly associated with economic development and must be involved in one of the following priority niches for development:
- Entrepreneurship (awareness-building, promotional efforts, development);
- Interregional tourism;
- The biofood industry;
- The fisheries industry;
- The development of Anglophone and Aboriginal communities.
+ Only one type of requests will be accepted
+ The SADC Côte-Nord cannot make the payment directly to the project promoter. The applicant organization must submit an invoice addressed directly to the SADC Côte-Nord either for professional fees or from a supplier in the amount entered in the letter of offer. Please note that a tender from the said supplier is needed to complete the Contribution Request Form
+The SADC Côte-Nord will favour projects having obtained financial support from other community or industry partners.
+Each organization receiving local development funds will be held to completing a follow-up form provided by the SADC Côte-Nord at the end of each event.
*Owing to the financial constraints of this assistance program, the SADC Côte-Nord reserves the right to refuse any request for funding, including requests that meet the above-mentioned eligibility criteria.